I grew up in a world where men had dominion
and God was a word of fear and punishment.
I don't know where to land, now,
in a world of Other,
where flowers sing color, and summer;
and god is no longer harsh, but
Goddess holds me in the morning and
eagles skim their wings along rivers
and relationship runs deep and steadfast.
however, my old world, of regulations that bound my hands and heart, as my feet tried to propel
me through the salt water that called my soul home to intimacy and honesty,
did teach me: that a light shines in the darkness
And the darkness has not overcome it.
And these slivers of light in the eternal
cascade of darkness,
bring me back to you, and you, and You.
the land now beneath my fingernails and in my lungs is the same breath that my people provide;
they have relieved and guided me, from near and afar, through the moon, and letters woven
through years and miles, and vulnerability.
we will find our places, eventually, together.
I'll be there with you, and we'll exchange mugs and tea and soaps from far away islands.
You are the light that remains, the ring of reminder and trust that draws us, once again,